Transitioning Careers: Tips for changing your job role
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Posted on 02 January 2024

Moving from non-clinical to clinical work (or vice-versa) can be a daunting yet rewarding career move. Whether you're looking to pursue a long-held passion or exploring a new challenge, transitioning careers is an exciting opportunity for growth. In this blog, we'll provide insights and strategies to help job seekers to make this change successfully, focusing on skills transferability and networking within the new field.

Assess Your Skills and Interests

Before making a career transition, it's crucial to assess your current skills and interests. Here's how to get started:

Self-Reflection: Identify your strengths, weaknesses, and what truly interests you. Consider what motivated you to explore a new field in the first place.

Transferable Skills: Recognize the skills you can transfer from your current job to the new role. Abilities such as problem-solving, project management, communication, and teamwork are often universally valuable.

Skill Gaps: Identify the skills and knowledge gaps that you need to fill in the new job. Invest time in learning and completing the necessary CPD before you star to apply for new roles.

Network within the New Field

Networking is a powerful tool when changing careers. Here's how to expand your professional network in your target field:

Join Industry Associations: Look for professional organizations, associations, and online groups related to your new sector. Attend their events, workshops, and conferences to meet people and gain insights.

Informational Interviews: Reach out to professionals already working in your desired field for informational interviews. Ask questions about the industry, their career paths, and any advice they can offer.

Online Presence: Build an online presence through LinkedIn, X and other platforms. Share your journey, insights, and your passion for the new field. Engage with industry experts and potential employers.

Tailor Your Resume and Cover Letter

When applying for jobs in a new area, your CV and cover letter should reflect your skills and enthusiasm for the position. Here are some tips:

Customize Your Documents: Tailor your CV and cover letter for each job application. Highlight transferable skills and experiences that are relevant to the new role.

Use Keywords: Use industry-specific keywords and terminology in your application documents. This will demonstrate your familiarity with the field.

Address the Transition: In your cover letter, address your career transition and explain your motivation for making the change. Show how your background and skills can benefit the new role.

Gain Practical Experience

To boost your chances of securing a job in your new role, consider gaining practical experience. If you are looking for an entry-level role, be aware that these will be very competitive and without evidence that you have tried to upskill, you may fail to get selected for interview.

Internships or Volunteer Work: Participate in internships or volunteer work to gain hands-on experience in your target field. It's a valuable way to build credibility and expand your network. This will only be possible if you already have right to work in the UK.

Further Education: If necessary, invest in further education or certifications specific to the new role. Many online courses and programs are accessible through SPVS, Vet Lexicon, the BVA and others.


Transitioning careers is an exciting and challenging journey. By assessing your skills, networking within the new field, tailoring your application documents, and gaining practical experience, you can successfully navigate this change. Embrace the opportunity to learn, grow, and pursue your passion while building a fulfilling career in your chosen industry. With determination and the right strategies, a rewarding new career path is within reach. For more help in achieving your career goals, get it touch with the team at

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